About Us
Our Vision and Mission
To be the leading service provider in Ships Agency
Professional and consistent service
Thorough knowledge and understanding of clients requirements
Exceeding clients expectations on every shipment handled
Professional and consistent service
Thorough knowledge and understanding of clients requirements
Exceeding clients expectations on every shipment handled

Michel de KokMichel embarked on a shipping career in the 1990’s, within Ships Agency, climbing through the ranks, handling all facets of agency in Rotterdam.
Michel joined the D & A Shipping Team in 2010. Having worked closely with majority of shippers, traders, ship owners, charterers and receivers, “our customers have become more than just customers” and Michel operates with that ethos until today. Michel then moved from employee to shareholder in 2017 and spearheads the D&A marketing portfolio with consistent international client engagement.
Mason Harrison
Mason started his ships agency career in July 1990 in Ships Agency on site at RBCT specialising in coal exports from Richards Bay; later moving to general cargo operations to work in liner trade, specialised bulk parcel service, general cargo and dry bulk import and export.
In 1998, Mason joined RBCT’s Operations Planning team to manage the Terminals shipping department until 2005.
It was a natural progression to embark on a business venture in D & A Shipping.
The Team
Our strength is the experienced and a diverse team of highly skilled and qualified operators that deliver World Class service.Having handled every conceivable dry bulk commodity (import and export), parcel trade, liner trade as well as cargo planning with close attention to ensuring every client is taken care of.
Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment
Click to download our Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment certification / certificateZululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Click to download our Zululand Chamber of Commerce and Industry certificateCorporate Social Responsibility
Click to download the Corporate Social Responsibility reportOur Associations